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Lights for the Entertainers

We’ve all been spending a lot more time at home. Perhaps you’ve been entertaining a close circle of friends, or have been hosting regular intimate family dinners. We don’t mean to sound extra, but good lighting is
everything. It can completely transform the mood and affect the ambiance of a space. Nothing ruins a party
mood more than harsh dentist office lighting. We’ve put together some ways to create the perfect mood for
entertaining. You’d be surprised how much a few tweaks here and there can make a difference.

There’s not one single light fixture that will give you everything you need in a space. You’re not going to rely on one light source to light up a whole room, right? That’s why the power of layered lighting is so important! You want to find a balance of ambient lighting while showcasing specific areas in your home, and include functional lighting at the same time! So where does that mean? It means welcome variety! The perfect trio includes ambient lights, task lights, AND accent lighting! Here are some of our tips for you.

Lighting Techniques To Transform Your Space

It’s time to elevate your home to that dream space you’ve always wanted!

A lot of us have been working from home, staying indoors, and are in need of some inspiration when it comes to home interiors. If you don’t have the budget for a full renovation (which is the case for a lot of us at the moment) but do need to make some changes to your home, start with lighting! Sometimes minor changes can have a major impact, which is why our lighting specialists have put together some inspiration on different styles of decor that are achieved simply by a new lighting plan!

Let there be smart!

Want a smart home? Start with your lights.

Could there be a better time to be making home improvements now that all of us are spending so much time indoors? If you’ve already redecorated and still feel like something’s missing, the chances are the answer is lighting.  Swapping out your lightbulbs requires such little effort, but can make a huge difference to your liveability.

You might be thinking, what are smart lights? Smart lighting is bulbs or light fixtures that are controlled by voice command, or by using an app on your device- whether that’s your phone, iPad, tablet, or computer. Not only can you turn a light on or off without getting up and flipping a switch, but you can also control the ambiance, level of illumination, colour, and tone. On top of that, you can use your phone to turn your lights on and off remotely or use a smart home device to create an automated schedule for your light. Gone are the days when you’ve left the house and worried about whether you turned all the lights off, or played rock paper scissors to see who has to get out of bed to turn the lights off at night!  Impressive, right?

Our lighting specialists have put together a list of their recommendations that are easy to use, and easy to install. After all, the whole point of smart lighting is convenience, which is why our team is available to answer any questions you may have about it. We recommend starting with the basics:

Warm-up Your Home For Winter

The best way to warm up your home this season and beat the winter blues!

As the season changes and the shorter days approach us, the inevitable winter blues slowly start to creep up. It can be difficult to muster up the energy to change your interiors, however, if you do, you’ll discover comfort can create a well of energy to beat those broody moods. We often add rugs, throws, candles, and cushions as we transition into the season, why is it we don’t consider our home lighting?

When the daylight isn’t as generous, artificial lighting takes the lead role in keeping our homes warm and cozy! Lighting enhances texture, provides character, sets a mood, and can often be an overlooked feature in a home. You’ll be surprised how much adding a lightbulb, or additional source of illumination can alter a space.

We spoke to our specialists about their warm lighting recommendations and they’ve shared their tips on how to brighten up your space here:

Home Office Lighting

With a lot of people working from home these days, we thought it would be the perfect time to share our tips and tricks on how to create a productive home office space. That doesn’t mean working from your bed, couch, or kitchen bench. Designating an area in your home to be ‘on the clock’ is important. It will help you avoid distractions and is proven to increase your productivity levels. Now’s the perfect time to turn that nook under the staircase, or your underutilized spare-room into your workspace, and get busy!

When choosing the area that you plan to set up shop, lighting needs to be considered. Poor lighting reduces your energy and can be the cause of headaches and eye strain. Ultimately it can impair your ability to work effectively, and if you don’t have the luxury of natural light, your artificial light selection is key. Here are our top 5 tips for selecting your lighting that can help you avoid headaches and eye strain, and boost productivity levels!

Top 5 Secrets To A Modern Bathroom

Ever looked at a beautiful contemporary bathroom and dreamt of modernising yours into a fresh, clean, bright, gorgeous and luxurious one?

However, bathroom lighting often goes neglected because it is considered a tough task, but we’re here to break it down for you. Most homeowners especially first-timers have problems choosing the right lighting fixtures — the size, where they’re placed, what bulbs are used and more.

6 Expert-Approved Tips To Modernise Your Lighting

Have you ever found yourself feeling uninterested in your home or office? Are you thinking of upgrading your lighting to match today’s lighting trends and make your space visually appealing and more welcoming?

Clean. Simple. Sleek. Fresh... These are just some of the qualities of contemporary lighting. And if you want to turn your dull room into a haven of modern class, you need to get your lighting right.

Below, we give you a no-brainer guide from lighting experts to help you achieve your state-of-the-art lighting goals — whether you’re into interior design or it’s your first time!

Top Lighting Trends for 2020

From classic finishes to up-and-coming shapes and styles, lighting trends are ever-evolving. This 2020 is all about going beyond the usual by adding unique lighting fixtures that can turn any dull place into an extraordinary feature room!

Here are the biggest and the brightest lighting picks for this brand new year. 

The Lighting Recipe for your Kitchen Makeover

As the heart of every home, transforming kitchens into a perfectly lit family haven has always been one of the top to-do lists of homeowners.

Making it look brighter, bigger and better is a goal because everyone dreams of having a kitchen that is both highly functional for food preparation and atmospheric enough for the whole family to enjoy.

When doing a kitchen makeover, it is vital to consider having a lighting plan to know the best high quality lights that suits your style and create a positive mood.

Here's our must-follow lighting recipe that will help you turn your kitchen dreams into a perfect reality through proper layering and lighting control!

The Ultimate Lighting Guide On How To Recreate The 2019 Block Rooms

Have you ever found yourself wanting to redecorate your room with all those elegant and high quality lights while watching popular TV shows like The Block?

Well, let’s make it easier and hassle-free so you can finally start your home makeover in no time. Here are the top lighting tips that will help you achieve similar looks from The 2019 Block reveals!